Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homesick, Revivals, and Picnics

Well I am either getting tired or I'm not keep busy enough, because for the first time in my life I got homesick. After talking about it with my roommate it was brought up that being here is different than College and all my other trips away from home. I have way too much free time. The cure to homesickness is keeping busy, but here with my night shifts and lack of activities getting homesick is so easy. I'm use to constantly being busy, but here I can just stay in bed all day and watch tv shows like, Raising Hope, Running Wilde, GLEE, and Castle.
I did this for the past two days while I was homesick. I knew that being homesick was bad, but I knew letting others know would just make matter worse. I finally told my mom and her answer to it was stop looking at the pictures from back home. Which makes sense, because that is probably want is triggering my homesickness. Most of the people here left a life that has either not started or just ended ( due to just graduating college, loss of a spouse, loss of a job). So these women and the few men in the area miss home, but there is nothing to look back at to miss... just odd pictures and memories. I am looking at facebook and seeing new things and seeing what I am missing out, because I just packed up and left the life I had. I don't regret leaving, but missing it is harder, because not only are my friends miles away, but they are still together living the same type of life I left behind. But to fix this homesickness I have decided to find mroe ways to stay busy and remember that I am full of joy even when I miss home.

     So tonight some girls from my house went to a Baptist Revival. Story is my roommate plans on never attending one again. I think by being in a house of different religions a lot of people want to experience other religions to help them understand their house mates. Looks like tomorrow I may be attending a tent revival and find JESUS. Lucky for me I already found him awhile ago, but who knows it could be a great learning experience. I want to attend this revival to see what they are like and make my own judgment (or decision)  on this type of worship or church after seeing it. I know it is made fun up and considered fake by many people. But before I let another tell me how my thoughts on this type of thing  should be, I want to see it. I want to understand it and grasp the thoughts behind it. I know I might not get much our of it, but the experience will help me feel comfortable to be able to say if I do or do not like it. I know my thoughts going in aren't blank, but I find it hard to be SAVED when I don't plan on being saved until I am dead. But this will be something to remember and if you are curious about my thoughts I'll be sure to share them with you tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the CAP wide picnic so I'm in for a long day of walking, playing, eating and mingling with people I met last week and complete strangers. Maybe someone's (unsure of who, but I know she or he is out there) dream with come true and i'll meet my future husband there... I'm kidding. I know everyone says that it could happen, but as of now I'm being pretty firm on my not dating while I am in Kentucky and being pretty strong towards not looking for a man either. I won't lie there are girls that are here who are partly looking and wear make up and dress cute whenever there will be guys. I on the other hand am sitting in my room debating with I should or should not try a little bit to look dressy than I do at work. And for work I wear big huge t-shirts and a pair of jeans, so dressy compared to that is a cute top and cute jeans with some random tennis shoes. As I said I'm not looking and I'm not putting effort into it. So wish me luck for tomorrow that I'm not the only girl without make up at the park in Lexington, KY. Yay another road trip...I won't be missing long car rides when I get back to MO.

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