Saturday, September 25, 2010

One week down

     Today was ten times better than last night. Things were kind of crazy last night and it was very disheartening. I was a little upset about some of the situations and a little scared about some other things that were going on.God must have been working hard, because all of the problems were gone by the time I went into work today. I from 3:00pm-11:00pm and it took way less energy than yesterday. I was so happy with how well everyone behaved and how little fights there were. I also learned all about the paperwork and I feel like I have more knowledge of not just my job, but of the rules and responsibilities of the people I am working with.

    To make everything even better, the heat from earlier this week is finally leaving and it started to rain  tonight and I am so glad the cool air is coming. Lucky for me I am off tomorrow and I was thinking I could maybe take up Paul on his offer of watching movies. But then again I might just pack and relax tomorrow, because I do have Orientation on Sunday.
    I was so happy about having a good night I ended up staying up talking with another girl from my house. I guess I scared her, because I was leaving a note to one of the girls who was sick today and I was running to the kitchen to get a late night dinner. We both were kind of tired, because we kind of busted out laughing for no real reason. We then stayed up (later than we should have) talking about the struggles at our work sites and then about real thing like: where we came from, our friends, our vacation days, and being bratty teenagers. It was nice talking to someone outside of my work site, who also works weird hours too. I must have been in a talking mood, because during lunch I talked to the other Catholics in my house about being Catholic and lots of very Catholic things like: Confirmation, being Catholic in a non-Catholic place, Catholic Schools, Confession and other stuff.
    I am really enjoying this place and I enjoy being able to learn about the other people I live with. But it was also nice to hear from outside of Kentucky. Today someone FINALLY decided to upload her pictures from my visit to Kansas City. Now that I have settled in and have gotten use to my room and bed, it was nice to revisit memories from last month. Looking on the pictures made me smile, because there were things in there that I totally forgot about. Such as the Donuts Shop that open at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning and staying up an extra hour or two to get them right after they were freshly made. I do miss Missouri, but I don't regret leaving and I hope I have as many awesome memories of Kentucky when I leave.
Random Fact of the day: The Queen of England and I will be in Kentucky at the same time, Sadly I will be avoiding those parts of Kentucky while she is here.

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