Friday, February 11, 2011

I seem to be a heart breaker...

As Valentine's Day draws near it seems that the house of boys (and one girl. Our new baby girl will be one week old on this upcoming Saturday.) is giving a little pink and heart fulled. This is fine, even though I am not completely in-love with Valentine's Day. I never really was, first off it is too close to my birthday and second it seems a little forced. However it seems that love must be in the air, because I seem to have gained a few boyfriends at the shelter...

   Today was a little weird and I am still confused on the things that happened. I came into work and after hearing that one of our six year olds has been behaving horribly (the usual: screaming constantly, not listening and hitting everyone) I was very confused on why he seemed to attach himself to be through the rest of the night. I don't know exactly when it happened. However, I do know that as I was walking from the dinning room to the playroom the misbehaving boy wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me for a good ten minutes. When I asked what he was doing he said, " I want to hug you". If it was his older brother I wouldn't have asked, but this child doesn't speak to anyone and there he was hugging me and then continued to seek my attention. I spent a good 2 hours playing catch, monkey in the middle, and other games with this child. When we weren't playing together he would constantly ask me for help and following me around like a lost puppy. I was utterly surprised that after I returned from my house meeting he found me again and showed off all the things he made while I was gone. Then he also helped me make a box. But the best part was when we were making a box for my Dad, he told me that I needed to put a cross in to, because it needed to be for God and not for the Devil. It was kind of adorable. We spent a good 30 minutes taking turns gluing and putting tongue depressors together to make a box. Who knows if this box will actually make it back to Saint Louis, but it was nice seeing the way this child who was "a demon" this morning turn into a "normal" child later in the day.
       If having one child be my shadow was enough the eight year old who was fighting with the "demon" six year old all last week also seems to want my attention constantly. He even told me that I was his girlfriend. He is a pretty good child, but today him and the six year old seemed to constantly be fighting for my attention and I actually had to put both of them in time out for fighting over who I was going to through a sock stuffed with stuffing to. I was amazed however that both of them just sat on the couch for three minutes without putting up a fight of complaining. Then again I did have the thing they wanted in my hand.. so maybe having control over the prized possession put me in a position of authority.

   Today may have been very confusing on how the boys all behaved, but then again it was a nice change from constant yelling and fighting. But no worries the women took care of the lack of stress and made enough drama and constantly complained to take away from the realization that the boys all seemed to be on their best behavior. Then again I guess I noticed how well the boys behaved... So I will forget about the childish games the adults are playing and enjoy the fact that today is the reason why I am here doing what I can for these children and their mothers.

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