Friday, January 28, 2011

"Life without you is like having a genus without a phyla"

   I may work in a shelter and do great things, but I am secretly a nerd on the inside... or just get science jokes. I went to see Yogi Bear and the quote of the movie was, " life without you is like having a genus without a phyla". I realized how nerdy I was once I laughed and got it.  Unless you have seen Yogi Bear you might now get why it is worse, but the guy and the girl in the movie are huge plant nerds and love the forest.

   Not only did I enjoy the movie, but the children did too. Of course then was no school and things were kind of crazy again, but hopefully there is either no snow or school isn't canceled. I am getting fed up with Kentucky and its lack of  school during the winter. It is not only just hurting my sleep cycle, but it is hurting the children and keeping them from getting an education. Which is another thing Missouri and Kentucky differ on... education is not a means of surviving here in Kentucky. Instead school is more of a way to keep children off the streets during the day.
  I'm ending my thoughts early, because I just heard an ambulance and it is not a normal occurrence (as it was in high school) and if what I am thinking is true there might be a baby soon. :-)

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