Saturday, October 16, 2010

Making plans to hike at 12:00 at night!

     Friday, I worked the night shift and everyone there seemed to be very tired. Things were kind of , but we made it through. The plan was to go to the Respite dance, but things came up and we ended up watching a movie and do babysitting. Everything went pretty well, but us volunteers were kind of worn out and were ready to leave at 9:30. Lucky for us we got to go home around 11:00. But instead of being smart and go straight to bed, we went over to our neighbors and chatted it up. We talked about food (I was hungry), how the day and night went and just everything.

     So while I was leaving work Paul and I were making plans to do something during the day, because I feel it is becoming a tradition to hang out once every weekend. This is not including seeing each other after mass. Well we were thinking about going hiking during the day. Then as I was in the neighbor's kitchen looking for food, I heard my co-worker mention going hiking tomorrow. In the end we decided we should go hiking early in the morning (9:00 am).
    So today we got up and hiked the East Pinnacles in Kentucky. And it was way easier than the West Pinnacles. Paul came along of course and it was not only a nice walk that felt refreshing, but the trees look great today. I took a lot of pictures and there were some birds of prey flying around and surprising enough I got some pictures of them too. They aren't amazing pictures, but the bird look like birds.
     Besides being tired, today is going pretty well. I might go running for a bit and hopefully go to a girl's night around 7:00. And by girl's night I mean movie and food with a bunch of girls. I am excited about tomorrow and going rock climbing. Hopefully I won't end up with nice new cuts to go with my arm.

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