Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Day EVER!

    To start my day off I got awesome news... well actually some upsetting news. Jewell called and was discouraging me from deferring my loans and explaining that it would cost me more in the long run. I was kind of mad that the woman (from Jewell) even felt like she should suggest that I have my parents help pay my loans back. I was actually more than a little mad. Luckily I found out I didn't have money due til March or February and I could cut cost and pay $25 a month with my stipen and use $80 every three months for my medicine. I wouldn't have much money when returning home, but I wouldn't be in huge debt either. But as I was about to e-mail CAP about my Americore my computer came up with a virus.
I did scans and more scans and changed my passwords to avoid more spam from my e-mail. I was getting kind of down and went to get some food and then I got a text message. This text message informed me that they got one more Americore Award and I was the first on the list to get one! Yup, the best news ever I was gonna start Americore before my loans needed to begin to be paid back and interest wouldn't have accumulated.  Which mean by the time I leave CAP after these two years I may only have two to three thousands dollars left to pay back. Thank goodness I left college now and did this whole service thing, before I graduated with a degree I wasn't happy with. :-)
   So I worked second shift, but tonight was our Thanksgiving Dinner between the two houses in the "Valley", so everything made Thanksgiving food and we all made it to dinner... or at least almost everyone did. I never realized how much I loved Thanksgiving food, the pies, turkey, stuffing, and even the veggies were great. For once our two houses seemed less like a forced community and more of an extended family eating together. Which made me excited for Thanksgiving back at home. I'm glad I chose to come home and see everyone I love. I know some people are staying back in the East of the United States, because of money problems, but most of the family will be home. I'll probably be worn out by the end of Thanksgiving weekend and be dying to rest on Sunday, but I know this vacation will be worth it.
    On a less related note I kept feeling bad about having over 800 friends on facebook and I started to remove the people that I really didn't know. I felt bad, because some of the people I removed are friends of friends and maybe weren't so bad. But I felt like being friend's with my brother's best friend's twin brother was way too many separations for a facebook friendship. How ever I did just add my co-workers brother on facebook so he could comment on the photos she was tagged it. I felt like if my brothers were girls and (or) had friends that took lots of  random photos I would want to comment on them too.
  It was a great day and I get to work another 3-11 tomorrow.

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