Sunday, May 8, 2011

I need your old and some new Swimming Suits

   I have returned from Kansas City, Liberty, and Saint Louis. It was a very interesting week and I wish I had more time to see all the people I needed to talk to. But it was a still a good trip and I'm glad I took it.
   It is getting to the point where I will soon be the last volunteer at the shelter and I am getting ready to take on longer shifts and put more effort into spending time with the children during the days and nights. Luckily I am finding tons of free actives in the area. Right now there is a pool the town over that has free pool hours every Tuesday. I'm excited about this, because swimming is a great activity and it will actually have the moms and children moving around. I also found free concerts and other great things too. So hopefully there will be enough actives this summer to keep me and my residents busy.

     Anyways, the reason why I want your old swimming suits and new ones too, because we are on short supply of swimming suits. Right now we might have up to 5 swimming suits that need to last all summer. I don't know if I explain how the shelter works, but we get a constant flow of people coming in all the time and no one really knows how many children and what ages they will be at one time. But I can guess that it is very likely very few mothers/ fathers think to grab their child's swimming suit when they are packing in a hurry in hopes of escaping a bad situation. So if by any chance you or someone you know has old swimming suits that can used for a child from the age of 3- 18 boy or girl I would gladly take them off your hands and keep you from throwing them away when you clean out your basement. I would also take swimming suits that were bought, but I'm not going to demand new swimming suits. We take what we get and we try to teach our women to be thankful for what they have and not be greedy. So when you are taking out your summer clothes and find swimming suits or other summer clothes you have no need for think about my people in Kentucky and how we would love it more than your trash can.
Thanks so much,

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