I have been back at work for a bit and things have changed dramatically. We are a house of boys and so football and rough housing is the main events in my day. I have been trying really hard not to play rough, so instead of jumping in and tackling the guys in football I stay on the sidelines and watch and might throw the ball once or twice. I am enjoying the boys, because it is something I am use to. Growing up with all boys I have no problem with playing sports or not doing girlish things. I kind of love having all boys. It is weird to see a little boy cry over something silly, but boys seem to be easier to distract than a girl would be. I know right now every feminist who is all boys and girls are equal is all up on her heels screaming that girls and boys are the same and I should see no difference in the way work is. Obviously these feminist never grew up in a house of men or struggled being happy in an all girl atmosphere in high school and college.