Monday, May 23, 2011

Back at the shelter and working hard

   I came to the shelter on Saturday to make sure all the paperwork for the new three year odl was done. Upon arriving to the shelter I saw that the person who was suppose to work was not there and a court advocate was in her place. I did what I needed to do and talked to the court advocate and found out that the lady who works with me most nights seems to be very sick and is taking off until she is better. I worked on Sunday and felt that tension was high in the shelter among my women, but in the end we all got along to the best of our abilities and went on with our nights. Today I got up worked out, made some yummy eggs, and relaxed a little. Then around 2:00 I found out that one of my fellow volunteers has mono... :-)

   So with one worked out sick with an infection and a volunteer sick with mono looks like I'll be working hard this week covering shifts and gettign those hours in. I am guessing that I'll only be needing about 480 hours before May 30th, but I can handle that. It is also likely that one house might be down to six a little earlier than we planned. Then again it all depends on how my mono infected house mate feels about going home early.
   Also keep me in your prayers this week, because not only am i working hard covering shifts, but I also have a phone interview this Thursday with Covenant House :-)

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