Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let it snow!

It snowed on Saturday night into Sunday morning and all through Monday. I learned a few things about Kentucky as it was snowing and people were freaking out about the little snow flakes. First off Kentucky people hate the snow, but don't spend money on salting their streets, cleaning the roads, or anything to prepare for a foot of snow. Second thing people the poor areas of Kentucky never clean off their roads and the only places cleared when it snows are the highways. Third thing people don't really know how to drive in the snow here. And the fourth and last thing I learned is Kentucky will shut down all the schools with just the thought of having it snow the night before.

      It was only about a foot, but everything in Kentucky shut down on Monday. So for awhile there was only me and another girl at work. I spent my Monday working the phones and telling the ladies that all the cars have been grounded so we couldn't do anything to get them things that they needed. Then by 11:00 am the school was shut down for this Tuesday.
      Monday wasn't a hard day, but it was weird to me. Back in Saint Louis when it snows a foot the high schools might close, but most of the time it is just a delay start. Which means by 10:00 everyone is at work and there is no worries about someone not coming in to take your place at 4:00pm. But here in Kentucky people were calling in all day saying that they wouldn't make it today and might try tomorrow. I go in at 3:00 and here is hoping that everyone showed up today. Since the snow is melting and it didn't snow another foot over night I would expect everyone to be in today, but then again this is Kentucky and time is not money and people take their time to get things done.

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