Today I got together with Paul to go over my loans and get some shopping done.
My loans were pretty easy to get through. So Paul and I just grabbed some food and went shopping and then did more brother- sister-bonding. I also bought more yarn and hopefully my hoodie will be done by Thanksgiving and I can show it off and brag about my amazing crocheting abilities. Yup I'm taking on a whole new way of life: making my own clothes, working at a woman's shelter... Before I know it I'll stop showering and only eat vegetables. :-P No not really, but I have enjoyed the box of clothes that is given to the thrift store and using the clothes for a need and then returning it to the box. I also enjoy the whole being poor, but not worrying about bills or anything like that. My loan issue can get me down, but I'm not letting it and lucky for me my service work is considered a reasonable excuse for deferment. So hopefully I won't have any bills to pay until I figure out what my real goal in life is and by that point they will either be canceled or deferred due to schooling. :-)
After my adventures and bonding with Paul I hung out at the house and watched more tv and did more crocheting. But this evening I went to Mexican Hardees, in Berea and enjoyed a concert by the Berea College University Concert and Chambers Choir. It was a great concert and it was nice to see a choir director that loved what he did and see such a full choir. They sounded great and I am glad I went to see them.
Tonight we set our clocks back and enjoy an extra hour of sleep, so for once in my life I am hitting the hay early. By early I mean before 1:00 am and by hitting the hay means I will be ready to jump into bed if needed. I'll probably just stay up and work on my hoodie while I enjoy some quiet time, before I start a long week of women and children and needs.
Happy Day Light Saving!
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