Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lost my phone

     So, I am showing my house mates my lack of being able to hold on to things. I lost my cell phone (first time in Kentucky... look forward to more times). But I will not panic.. I will either find it in the morning somewhere in the house or it will be at work sitting somewhere unknown. Either way no one can get into it, because it is password protected and yeah. I hope I find it before the end of this week... I might start freaking out. :-)

     I either lost it at work while I was taking part a swing or I lost it in the house and I will see it at some point in the morning when I am looking for it. If I can't find it in the morning, I'll walk over to work and check the office I was in when I had it. If not then I will find someone to call it and hope someone is holding on to it.

     Besides being a blond, I had a good night. The mom's and children who were not sick worked well together. We just played animal charades, but it was funny and everyone enjoyed it. As I said I used my handy knowledge of using tools and breaking things down, and took about a swing and put it in the trash. Well another late night shift tomorrow, so here is hoping I get my phone before it dies or I die without it.
      So I found my cell phone this morning while walking to the other bathroom in the house. The joy of living with more people and having multiple bathrooms that I use both frequently.   Now the question is to pack or relax and watch tv until 3:00. :-)

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