Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Its Wednesday!

     Today was Wednesday and it was my second day of working first shift. I would say I loved it, but it was kind of sad due to not really being in the shelter at all. I had my CPR training and lucky for me I don't have to get first aid training for another two years. :-)  So I spent most of the morning going over checking the scene, removing foreign objects, and compressions on plastic dummies. But no worries I can now perform CPR on adults, children, and babies. I can save so many lives, but even though I am certified I would prefer it if someone else did it.  I also learned about Blood Borne Pathogens and how wearing gloves and other protective items saves me from getting AID, HIV, and other lovely diseases from trying to save lives.
            Then after the lovely CPR classes I went shopping for work. We went to Walmart to pick up some things for the kitchen, some high chairs, and some food that is needed for the week. I kind of felt silly pushing around a cart ('buggy' in Kentucky lingo)  that held three packages of diapers, a high chair, and some Halloween and kitchen items. I don't mind shopping, but I felt bad that today I didn't spend anytime with the children. I might have seen the children and actually talked to them for about 15 minutes and it was kind of a no people/work day. Which would be nice, but I kind of miss having a nice normal work day. So I'm really excited about having a night shift again. Not only do I get to sleep in, but I also get to see the children and enjoy sometime at a Pumpkin patch... be jealous.

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